Welcome Message

Welcome to the Homepage of the Labour and Welfare Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Labour and welfare is crucial to the well-being of the community and affects the livelihoods of millions of people. It is the mission of the Labour and Welfare Bureau to safeguard the rights and benefits of employees and promote the well-being of the underprivileged. I will reach out far and wide to learn more about peoples’ views on labour and welfare affairs. I will also seek to foster solidarity with stakeholders, including the business sector, NGOs and civil society, and take forward labour and welfare issues together by seeking common ground while respecting each other’s differences.
Together with my colleagues in the Bureau, and underpinned by the Labour Department and the Social Welfare Department, we will endeavor to develop and implement targeted labour and welfare policy initiatives. On the labour front, we will keep on promoting employment, maintaining harmonious employer-employee relations, improving employees’ rights and benefits and enhancing safety and health at work. Moreover, we will proactively follow up on issues relating to the abolition of the "offsetting" arrangement under the Mandatory Provident Fund System. On the social welfare aspect, we are committed to building a caring and cohesive community by stepping up efforts in helping disadvantaged and elderly, care for children, support for needy families, as well as promoting self-reliance through suitable support measures. With the government re-organisation, we have also taken up policy responsibilities on manpower development, retirement protection and poverty alleviation.
This Homepage provides general information on our policies, organisation, latest news and related documents. I hope that you will find it useful and informative. Your suggestion on our policies/services and our Homepage would be most welcome.
Chris Sun
Secretary for Labour and Welfare