- The Government's rehabilitation policy is to assist persons with disabilities in developing their potential and to build a barrier-free environment with a view to enabling persons with disabilities to participate in society in full and enjoy equal opportunities. We believe that, through employment, persons with disabilities can unleash their potential and fully integrate into the community.
- Since 2013, the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, has implemented the Talent-Wise Employment Charter (the Charter) to mobilise the Government, business sector, public bodies, subvented and non-governmental organisations to further promote the employment of persons with disabilities through participation in the Charter.
- The Charter seeks to engage employers of all trades and sectors in providing more internship and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, thereby unleashing their potential, enabling their self-reliance, fostering social integration and building a caring and supportive society for all.
- Having regard to its nature and business needs, an organisation participating in the Charter may directly employ persons with disabilities; implement suitable measures; or encourage their members or business partners to join the Charter to promote the employment of persons with disabilities on all fronts.
Measures for Implementing the Charter
Participating organisations of the Charter may implement one or more measure(s) to promote the employment of persons with disabilities. Examples of the relevant measures are as follows:
- To introduce policies and measures to ensure equal employment opportunities for persons with disabilities;
- To employ persons with disabilities;
- To publish periodically in corporate publications/publicity materials (e.g. annual reports and websites) on the number of employees with disabilities and on measures or indicators pertaining to the employment of persons with disabilities;
- To provide a barrier-free working environment and assistive devices for employees with disabilities to facilitate their performance of duties;
- To make reasonable and appropriate adjustments to the work process according to the special needs of employees with disabilities (e.g. re-engineering the work process and placing employees with disabilities in suitable jobs having regard to their disability conditions, introducing flexitime, or outsourcing suitable jobs such as graphic design, word processing and computer programming to home-based and self-employed persons with disabilities);
- To participate in various on-the-job training and support programmes organised by the Social Welfare Department and/or the Labour Department, or offer apprenticeship schemes or similar measures in order to provide training and job opportunities for persons with disabilities;
- To launch mentorship schemes or similar measures to impart knowledge and skills (e.g. bakery and handicrafts) to trainees with disabilities, or arrange mentors to help new recruits with disabilities acquire job skills, adapt to the working environment and build rapport with their colleagues;
- To use products or services (e.g. catering and cleaning) provided by rehabilitation social enterprises and workshops, suppliers employing persons with disabilities, or self-employed persons with disabilities;
- To set up non-profit-making social enterprises to employ persons with disabilities;
- To set up simulated workplaces (e.g. hotel guest rooms for housekeeping training) in collaboration with non-governmental organisations to provide induction training for persons with disabilities;
- To set aside shops or stalls for social enterprises or self-employed persons with disabilities to run business or sell their products;
- To create new job or posts (full-time or part-time) with due consideration to the work abilities of persons with disabilities, thereby enhancing their employment opportunities; and
- To participate in publicity and public education activities for the open employment of persons with disabilities (e.g. introducing the Charter to members and business partners; participating in employers’experience sharing sessions, media interviews; and production of publicity photos or videos, etc.).
Inclusive Organisations Logos
Participating organisations of the Charter will be recognised as an Inclusive Organisation and awarded an Inclusive Organisation logo. The logo may be used by these organisations in their letterheads, publications and promotional materials during their participation in the Charter to publicise the corporate social responsibility practised by these organisations.
Inclusive Organisations may choose to use any of the above Inclusive Organisation logos.
List of Participating Organisations
Enrolment Form
- Organisations interested in participating in the Scheme, please complete the Enrolment Form
and return it by post to Rehabilitation Division, Labour and Welfare Bureau, at 11/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong;
by fax to 2543 0486; or
email to charterscheme@lwb.gov.hk
Viewing and printing a fillable PDF file can be done through the use of the Adobe Acrobat Reader software and Asian and Extended Language Pack which are available free at the Adobe Systems Incorporated and Asian and Extended Language pack websites respectively.
For enquiries about the Charter and the Diverse Abilities.Inclusive Workplace Recognition Scheme, please contact the Rehabilitation Division of LWB as follows:
Tel :3655 4437
Fax : 2543 0486
Email : charterscheme@lwb.gov.hk
Acknowledgement: Photos in this webpage by courtesy of Hong Chi Association, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and MentalConnect Company Limited.