Persons with disabilities working in a hotel. Persons with disabilities working in a tourism spot. Persons with disabilities operating a convenience store in a hospital. Persons with disabilities working in a restaurant.

Supporting Services provided by the Government

The Government is committed to supporting persons with disabilities to ensure that they have equal access to productive and gainful employment in the open market. Despite limitations in some aspects of life, persons with disabilities do have abilities and talents that they could use to contribute to the society and achieve self-reliance.

(a) The Selective Placement Division of LD provides free recruitment and employment service for employers and job seekers with disabilities who are fit for open employment. The placement officers will conduct matching in the light of the employers’ requirements and refer suitable candidates to the employers for consideration. Placement officers will also provide follow-up services for those candidates who are employed.
Telephone : 2852 4801 (Hong Kong) /
2755 4835 (Kowloon) /
2417 6190 (New Territories)

(b) The Marketing Consultancy Office (Rehabilitation) under SWD provides corporations with one-stop services to help them source the goods and services they need from rehabilitation social enterprises.
Telephone : 3586 3446