Registration Card for People with Disabilities

Guidance Notes


    The “Registration Card for People with Disabilities” (“the Card”) is issued to persons who have been found to have suffered from a disability(ies) of permanent or temporary nature. The purpose of the Card is to enable the cardholder to produce it, when necessary, as a documentary proof of his/her disability status. It is NOT a privilege card or a credit card. The name, sex, photograph and type(s) of disability of the cardholder are printed on the Card to facilitate identification of the cardholder and to prevent abuse of the Card by persons other than the cardholder. The Card is non-transferable and non-saleable to third parties.

    From 24 June 2024, the Card is issued in the form of a physical card and an electronic version. The formats of the e-Card and physical card are the same. Eligible persons (see Part II below) may opt for “e-Cards” and provide their email addresses when making applications (including new issue, renewal or replacement of the Card). As for existing holders of physical Cards, the Central Registry for Rehabilitation (CRR) will make arrangements for those who wish to apply for the electronic version in the next phase. Details will be announced in due course.


    Any person who has been found to suffer from a disability, including Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Speech Impairment, Physical Disability, Autism, Mental Illness, Intellectual Disability, Visceral Disability/Chronic Illness, Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Specific Learning Difficulties, and the severity of the disability affects one’s major life activities, participation in economic and social activities, and/or mobility, and which takes significantly longer than normal to rehabilitate, may apply for the Card.


    Applications may be made by the persons with disabilities themselves or by their parent or legal guardian on their behalf. In the case of applying on behalf of applicants, please submit a copy of documentary evidence on the relationship with the applicant.


    Application can be made online via the Labour and Welfare Bureau’s website ( or by post.

    For applications by post, please download the application form (CRR3) from the Labour and Welfare Bureau’s website (, or collect it from the CRR, District Offices of the Selective Placement Division of the Labour Department, District Social Welfare Offices of the Social Welfare Department or Home Affairs Enquiry Centres of the Home Affairs Department. Completed application forms together with supporting documents (please refer to (a) to (c) below) should be sent to the CRR. Please ensure the mail items bear sufficient postage with return address (underpaid mail items will be rejected). The address of the CRR is as follows:

    Central Registry for Rehabilitation
    Labour and Welfare Bureau
    Unit 1001, 10/F, The Hub,
    23 Yip Kan Street,
    Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

    Documents required for the application (for new issue / renewal / replacement respectively) and related issues to be noted are as follows:

    (a) New issue

    An applicant should submit the application form, documentary evidence certifying his/her disability(ies) (please refer to Part V below), a copy of his/her document of identity and a recent colour photograph (a full-faced colour photograph taken within the last six months with a plain background).

    (b) Renewal

    CRR issues the Cards with expiry dates to persons with disability(ies) of temporary nature and persons under the age of 18 (including children and juveniles below the age of 11 and 18 respectively). These Cards will become invalid automatically upon expiry.

    The validity period of the Card issued to a person with temporary disability(ies) is normally two years, counting from the date of receipt of the holder's documentary proof of disability by CRR. A cardholder may submit his/her application for renewal within two months before the expiry date as shown on his/her Card. A cardholder is required to submit the application form together with documentary evidence certifying his/her disability(ies) (please refer to Part V below).

    If a cardholder submits his/her application for renewal more than two months before the expiry date as shown on his/her Card, he/she should submit a letter stating the reasons for early renewal application, in addition to the aforesaid documents, and return the original copy of his/her valid physical Card to the CRR after receiving the new Card.

    A child/juvenile upon attaining the age of 11 or 18 respectively is required to submit his/her renewal request together with application form, documentary evidence certifying his/her disability(ies) (please refer to Part V below), a recent colour photograph (a full-faced colour photograph taken within the last six months with a plain background) and a copy of his/her most recent document of identity within two months after his/her 11th or 18th birthday respectively.

    When applying for Card renewal, a cardholder aged below 18 may be exempt from submitting a fresh documentary evidence on disability if his/her disability(ies) has/have already been duly certified as permanent in nature by recognised authorities on his/her previous application(s) for the Card.

    (c) Replacement

    1. For lost cards –
    2. A cardholder should submit the application form, a copy of his/her document of identity, together with a letter stating the reasons for the replacement. Please refer to Part VII below for the replacement fee and the payment method.

    3. For change of personal data/ disability type(s) printed on the Card –
    4. A cardholder should submit the application form, a letter specifying items for amendment(s), a copy of his/her document of identity, documentary evidence certifying his/her disability(ies) (for change of disability type(s)) (please see Part V below). Please refer to Part VII below for the replacement fee and the payment method.

      After receipt of the new Card, the cardholder should return the original copy of his/her valid physical Card to the CRR.


    Documentary evidence on disability(ies) should be issued in the last six months and specify each type(s) of the applicant’s disability and duration of his/her disabling condition. Such documentary proof on disability(ies) may include:

    (a) certificates issued by doctors or allied health personnel registered in Hong Kong;

    (b) the “Certification of Disability Type for Registration Card for People with Disabilities (CRR4)” (as attached to the application form or can be downloaded from the Labour and Welfare Bureau’s website ( issued by doctors or allied health personnel registered in Hong Kong;

    (c) the “Certification of Disability Type for Registration Card for People with Disabilities (CRR4)” issued by Officer-in-charge of special schools subvented by the Education Bureau; relevant non-governmental organisations on rehabilitation subvented by the Social Welfare Department; or Vocational Training Council Shine Skills Centres;

    (d) disability proof issued by the Transport Department for drivers with disabilities; or

    (e) disability proof issued by the Social Welfare Department (applicants who are recipients of Disability Allowance or Comprehensive Social Security Assistance with 100% loss of earning capacity, etc. may make use of the “Consent Form – authorisation for data checking from Social Welfare Department (CRR/SWD1)” (as attached to the application form or can be downloaded at the Labour and Welfare Bureau’s website ( to authorise the CRR to verify the applicants’ disability-related information with the Social Welfare Department).

  • The above examples of acceptable documentary proof on the applicants’ disability(ies) for this application purpose may not be exhaustive. For further enquiries, applicants may contact the CRR (enquiry telephone number: 2180 9384).


    If the applicant meets the above issuance criteria, CRR will send the physical Card and electronic version by post and email respectively. Applicants must fill in clearly the correct correspondence address and email address.

    Upon receipt of the application form and all the required data and documents, CRR will issue the Card within 15 working days.

    Provision of personal data in the form is entirely voluntary. Applicants shall ensure that the information and relevant supporting documents provided are true and correct, and make a declaration in the form. The CRR may not be able to process an application if any of the necessary personal data or valid disability proof is not provided.

    The CRR reserves the right to issue, cancel and reclaim the Card from applicants.

  • FEES

    No fee is charged for new issue and renewal of the Card.

    For replacement of lost cards and change of personal data/ disability type(s) printed on the Card, the replacement fee is HK$58, subject to adjustment. Payment can be made by cheque or cashier’s order payable to “The Government of the HKSAR” or E-cheque (to be sent by email to Please do not send cash by post.

    Cardholders may apply for waiver of the replacement charge on financial grounds. Applicant should submit the application in writing with supporting documents (e.g. a copy of the valid “Certificate of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients for Medical Waivers” issued by the Social Welfare Department).


    If a cardholder would like to cancel the Card before the expiry date as shown on his/her Card, he/she is required to submit the request in writing and return the original copy of the physical Card to the CRR.


    Personal data provided will only be used for the purposes related to the application and issue of the Card. The CRR collects and compiles data on persons with disabilities who are holders of the Card in Hong Kong with a view to providing statistics on disability for planning rehabilitation services and research purposes. The personal data provided will be handled in confidence and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance”, and will not be disclosed to any other persons or organisations except in the form of summary statistics.

    Upon the express agreement of a cardholder, his/her own data, including type(s) of disability, may be released to a third party or organisations authorised by the cardholder concerned.

    Personal data will be deleted one year after it ceases to serve the afore-mentioned purposes.

    Applicants have a right to request access to and correction of their personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Applicants can obtain a copy of their personal data kept in the CRR subject to payment of a fee. Enquiries on the management of personal data, including making of access and correction to personal data, should be addressed to:

    Central Registry for Rehabilitation
    Labour and Welfare Bureau
    Unit 1001, 10/F, The Hub,
    23 Yip Kan Street,
    Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
    Tel.: 2180 9384

    The office hours of the CRR are from Monday to Friday (except public holidays) 8:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. Enquiries can be made at telephone number 2180 9384 during office hours.

    From July 2005, the Card bears the photograph of the cardholder and an expiry date (applicable only to cardholders whose disability is temporary in nature and/or children/juveniles below the age of 11 and 18 respectively). The Cards issued prior to that date are invalid.