Photo Gallery

When speaking at the Chinese Winter Solstice lunch party with grass-roots elderly people organised by the Chariot Club Charitable Foundation Limited, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, pointed out that the Government has been investing a significant amount of public resources to improve elderly people's quality of life and build a caring and inclusive society.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited some elderly residents in Lok Man Sun Chuen in Kowloon City to express his care and warm wishes for the festive season. Photo shows Mr Cheung (first right) chatting with an elderly couple, who he praised for realising the "active ageing" concept through regular participation in voluntary work and Cantonese opera performances.

Mr Cheung (left) presents warm clothing items to a single elderly resident in Lok Man Sun Chuen.

Mr Cheung (first left) extends his warm regards to elderly members at the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Lok Man Alice Kwok Integrated Service Centre.

While speaking at the 6th Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Program Award Presentation Ceremony, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, encourages more local corporations to join hands with the government and non-governmental organisations in building an inclusive and caring society and pro-actively demonstrating the spirit of corporate citizenship.

Mr Cheung (front row, centre) is pictured with Chairman of Hong Kong Productivity Council, Mr Stanley Lau (front row, second right), Chairman of the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, Ms Melissa Pang (front row, second left), General Manager of Institutional Business Department of Bank of China (Hong Kong), Mr Stephen Chan (front row, first right), Executive Director of Hong Kong Productivity Council, Mrs Agnes Mak (front row, first left) and representatives of corporate awardees.

Mr Cheung (front row, sixth right) is pictured with other officiating guests and representatives of corporate awardees.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (right), meets with the Vice Minister of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Mr Gu Chaoxi, to exchange views on social welfare policies.

Mr Cheung (fourth right) is pictured with Mr Gu Chaoxi (fourth left) and the delegation of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, speaks at the Job Fair for Rehabilitated Offenders 2015.

Mr Cheung (second left); the Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Yau Chi-chiu (first left); the President of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, Dr Eddy Li (second right); and the Chairman of Merchants Support for Rehabilitated Offenders Committee Limited and Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Job Fair for Rehabilitated Offenders, Dr Ho Wai-kuen (first right), officiate at the opening of the job fair.

Mr Cheung (front) tours the job fair.

Mr Cheung (third right) tours the job fair.

Officiating at the kick-off ceremony of "Shape Our Future: WeCan! - Project WeCan Career Exploration Day", the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, encourages young participants to make good use of the opportunity and explore their own career aspirations so as to prepare for their future education and career.

Mr Cheung (right) tours the vocational taster classes.

Mr Cheung (right) tours the vocational taster classes.

Mr Cheung (first left) tours the vocational taster classes.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, announced the launch of a four-month public consultation to gauge the views of the public on proposed legislation to implement the recommendations made by the Law Reform Commission in its Report on Child Custody and Access.

Mr Cheung briefs the media on the concept of "parental responsibility".

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (right), meets the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong, Mr Kim Kwang-Dong (left), at Central Government Offices, Tamar to announce that the annual quota of the Hong Kong/Korea Working Holiday Scheme will be doubled from 500 to 1000 on a reciprocal basis with effect from January 1, 2016.

Mr Cheung (right) and Mr Kim (left) exchange folders effecting the increase of the reciprocal quota.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, attends a tea reception at the Government House to celebrate Senior Citizens Day with about 100 elderly people from 18 districts, showing care and respect for them.

Mr Cheung (centre) pays tribute to elderly participants at the reception for their contribution to the development of Hong Kong.

Mr Cheung (right) and his Political Assistant, Ms Jade Lai (left) interact with the elderly participants and fill the hall with laughter with quiz and jokes relating to the well being of senior citizens and current affairs.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, officiated at 145 Parade‧Man Mo Temple Rites Kick-off Ceremony organised by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) to commemorate its 145th anniversary. Picture shows Mr Cheung delivering a speech at the ceremony.

Accompanied by members of the TWGHs' board of directors and guests, Mr Cheung (third left) and Chairman of TWGHs, Ms Maisy Ho (fourth right) hit the gong to commence the parade.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, attended the presentation ceremony of Good Mandatory Provident Fund Employer Award organised by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA). Mr Cheung (centre) is pictured with MPFA's Chairman, Dr David Wong (sixth left); Managing Director, Mrs Diana Chan (sixth right); the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong (fifth left) and other participating guests at the ceremony.

Mr Cheung (front row, thirteenth left) is pictured with awardees and guests at the ceremony.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the Sino-HK Enterprises Job Expo jointly organised by the Labour Department and The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association. Photo shows Mr Cheung (centre) and the Deputy Commissioner for Labour (Labour Administration), Mr Byron Ng (right), being briefed by The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association's Vice Chairman and Director, Mr Zhang Xialing (left), on the employment opportunities offered by Mainland enterprises.

Mr Cheung (first right) tours the Mainland employment information display boards in the company of the Labour Department's Assistant Commissioner (Employment Services), Mr Charles Hui (second right).

Mr Cheung (centre) is pictured with Mr Zhang (second right), The Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association's Deputy Director, Mr Zhu Hua (second left), Mr Ng (first right) and Mr Hui (first left).

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited a construction site of one of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) related Hong Kong projects, the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) - Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section. Photo shows Dragages Hong Kong's Hyperbaric Operation Manager, Ms Marina Pajak (first right), introducing to Mr Cheung (third left) the operation of the high-pressure plant and equipment.

Mr Cheung (right, front) is briefed on the occupational safety and health measures for workers working inside high-pressure plant and equipment.

Mr Cheung (second right) is briefed by a representative of Dragages Hong Kong on the operation of the tunnel boring machines. First right is the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong.

Mr Cheung (front row, second left) inspects the occupational safety and health measures implemented inside the tunnel.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the Kowloon Bay Depot of the MTR Corporation Limited this morning to learn about the latest developments of its Apprentice Training Scheme. Mr Cheung (front row, centre) is pictured with the MTR Corporation's Operations Director, Mr Jacob Kam (front row, fourth left); Corporate Affairs Director, Ms Linda So (front row, third right); Acting Human Resources Director, Mr Daniel Shim (front row, fourth right); Head of Operations Training, Mr David Leung (front row, third left); and young apprentices.

Mr Cheung (centre) has a dialogue session with the young apprentices. He encouraged them to make good use of the immense opportunities arising from the development of the railway industry to pursue their careers.

Mr Cheung (third left) is briefed by Mr Kam (second left) on the training procedures in the MTR Corporation's Non-destructive Test Workshop.

Mr Cheung (right) tours the MTR Corporation's Mechanical Workshop to observe the apprentices' daily training environment.

Mr Cheung (second right) views the training facilities for the MTR Corporation's apprentices.

The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung, and the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the Po Leung Kuk Sai Ying Pun Home for the Elderly cum Day Care Centre to better understand its operation. Picture shows Mr Leung (third right) and Mr Cheung (first left) chatting with an elderly person during her physiotherapy session.

Mr Cheung (right) introduces to Mr Leung (left) a retro item used by the centre to strengthen elderly persons' cognitive ability through encouraging them to reminisce about the past.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, attended the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing (JCCPA) 15th Anniversary Celebration cum "Dementia Concern Campaign" Closing Ceremony. Mr Cheung (fifth right) is pictured with Steward of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mrs Margaret Leung (fifth left), the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Professor Fok Tai-fai (third left), the Director of JCCPA, Professor Timothy Kwok (second right), the Chairman of the Elderly Commission, Professor Alfred Chan (second left), the Chairman of The Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer's Disease, Mrs Gwen Kao (fourth left), the Honorable Ambassador of the Campaign, Ms Paula Tsui (third right), and other officiating guests.

Mr Cheung (front row, second left) is pictured with Professor Charles K. Kao (front row, second right) and Mrs Kao (front row, third right), as well as other guests at the ceremony.

Mr Cheung (second right) joins some elderly service users in a game that trains their coordination skills.

Mr Cheung (left) is pictured with Ms Tsui (right).

The Social Welfare Department launched the Envisioning Programme on the Best Practice Manual (BPM) and held the first symposium today to facilitate the implementation of the BPM by non-governmental welfare organisations receiving the Lump Sum Grant. Picture shows the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (sixth left); the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss Annie Tam (fourth left); the Director of Social Welfare, Ms Carol Yip (first right); and other guests officiating at the launch ceremony.

Mr Cheung delivers his keynote speech at the symposium on the BPM.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the Job Fair for Middle-aged and Elderly Employment organised for the first time by the Labour Department this afternoon. Photo shows Mr Cheung (centre) being briefed on the job fair by the Deputy Commissioner for Labour (Labour Administration), Mr Byron Ng (second right); the Assistant Commissioner for Labour (Employment Services), Mr Charles Hui (second left); and subject officers.

Mr Cheung (right) chats with a participating employer (left) to better understand job seekers' response to the on-the-spot recruitment.

Mr Cheung (right) chats with a participating employer (left) to learn about the company's employment conditions.

Mr Cheung (first right) chats with some mature job seekers. He said he was glad to learn that they welcomed the on-the-spot recruitment services provided in the job fair.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, attends the Award Ceremony of Most Improved Trainees of Youth Employment and Training Programme 2015 to commend 10 outstanding trainees who achieved significant improvements in personal development, leadership or work performance during the training period. He encouraged young people to make good use of the one-stop pre-employment and on-the-job training to pursue their dreams on their career paths.

Mr Cheung (centre) presents award to the ten Most Improved Trainees.

Mr Cheung (fourth right) is pictured with the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong (third left), and the Most Improved Trainees.

Mr Cheung (fourth right) and Mr Tong (first right) are pictured with the Most Improved Trainees.

Mr Cheung (third right) and Mr Tong (first right) are pictured with the Most Improved Trainees.

Mr Cheung (first left) chats with the Most Improved Trainees. He encouraged them to make good use of the training opportunities to better equip themselves on their career paths.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, went to Hong Kong Jockey Club Shenzhen Society for Rehabilitation Yee Hong Heights (Yee Hong Heights) in Yantian, Shenzhen to visit the Hong Kong elderly citizens residing there. Photo shows Mr Cheung (fourth right); the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss Annie Tam (third right) and the Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Elderly), Ms Pang Kit-ling (second right), being briefed by the Chairman of the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, Mr Benny Cheung (first left) on the updated position of the Yee Hong Heights services.

The Superintendent of Yee Hong Heights, Ms Jackie Mo (left), and Mr Benny Cheung (right) briefs Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre) on the facilities and services for dementia residents in Yee Hong Heights.

During a tour of the facilities, Mr Cheung chats with some elderly residents from Hong Kong on their daily life in the home. Picture shows Mr Cheung chatting with a resident at the gardening corner.

Mr Cheung chats with a resident practising calligraphy activities.

Mr Cheung chats with a resident receiving rehabilitation therapy.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (second right), visited the Hub Hong Kong in Sham Shui Po this afternoon where he was briefed by the centre's staff on the various support services provided for underpriviledged children and their families. Third left and sixth left in the picture are respectively the centre's Chairman, Mr David Boehm, and Vice-Chairman, Mr Bruce Stinson.

Mr Cheung (first right) chats with parents who are users of the service programmes operated by the centre.

Mr Cheung (back row, fourth right) with staff and service users of the centre.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (second left), visits Christian Family Service Centre's Everjoy in Kwun Tong and chats with the centre's physiotherapist, occupational therapist, registered nurse and social worker to understand more about the home care service provided by non-governmental organisations to persons with severe disabilities

Mr Cheung is pictured with the rehabilitation care workers of Everjoy. He expressed to them his heartfelt gratitude for the provision of comprehensive care service to persons with disabilities.

Mr Cheung (first left) visits a person with disabilities (centre) and her parents (second right and second left) in Shun Lee Estate. Mr Cheung was pleased to learn that her physical mobility and communication skills are making remarkable progress after receiving regular and intensive physical/occupational therapy and rehabilitation training.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre), attends the Airport Ambassador Farewell and Welcome Ceremony 2015 and encourages youth participants to grasp the career development opportunities in Hong Kong's aviation industry. Third right and third left in the picture are respectively the Chief Executive Officer of Hong Kong International Airport, Mr Fred Lam, and Council Member of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Ms Clara Shek.

Mr Cheung (fourth right, back row) is pictured with Mr Fred Lam (third right, back row), Ms Clara Shek (fifth right, back row) and former participants of the Airport Ambassador Programme.

Mr Cheung (centre, front row) is pictured with other officiating guests and participants of the Programme.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (right), met the visiting delegation led by the Minister of Manpower of Indonesia, Mr Hanif Dhakiri (left), to exchange views on foreign domestic helpers. They reaffirmed their commitment in working together to protect Indonesian domestic helpers in Hong Kong.

Mr Cheung (fourth right) is pictured with Mr Dhakiri (fourth left) and other members of the delegation, as well as the Consul-General of Indonesia in Hong Kong, Mr Chalief Akbar Tjandraningrat (third right); the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss Annie Tam (third left); and the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong (first right).

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (third right), and the Director of Social Welfare, Ms Carol Yip (fourth left), visited the headquarters of Youth Outreach (YO) in Sai Wan Ho last night. Photo shows Mr Cheung being briefed on the various services provided by YO to help vulnerable young people return to the right track. Accompanying him are the YO's President, Ms Au King-chi (second right), Executive Committee Member Ms Leonie Ki (first right) , and the Executive Director, Dr Peter Newbery (third left).

Mr Cheung (third right) and Ms Yip (second right) tour the residential facilities in YO's headquarters.

Mr Cheung (first right) visits Tin Shui Wai after midnight to understand the overnight out-reaching service provided by YO.

Mr Cheung joins YO's outreach social workers in the early hours of this morning to approach young night drifters in Tin Shui Wai to understand more about their background and needs. Photo shows Mr Cheung (third right) taking a group photo with the outreaching team and service users in front of YO's Street Rover.

Mr Cheung (first left) plays games with some young night drifters in Tin Shui Wai in the early hours of this morning.

Mr Cheung (second left) tries skateboarding, an activity popular among the youth. He was pleased to know that the young coach beside him had found his way to a positive life through this sports activity.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (back row, fourth left), visited the Society for Community Organization (SoCO) New World Community Centre in Sham Shui Po. Accompanied by the Director of SoCO, Mr Ho Hei-wah (back row, fifth left), Mr Cheung chatted with service users and volunteers of the Centre to understand the support services much needed by grass-roots families in West Kowloon.

Mr Cheung (back row, fifth left) is pictured with the Centre's staff, volunteers and children receiving after-school care service.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (right), met the visiting delegation led by the Secretary of Labor and Employment of the Philippines, Ms Rosalinda Dimapilis Baldoz (left),to exchange views on foreign domestic helpers. They agreed to establish a high-level reciprocal visit programme for senior officials of both governments to update each other on their policies and efforts in protecting foreign domestic helpers.

Mr Cheung (third right) is pictured with Ms Baldoz (third left); the Undersecretary of the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment, Mr Reydeluz D Conferido (first left); the Administrator of the Philippine Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, Ms Rebecca J Calzado (first right); the Consul-General of the Philippines in Hong Kong, Ms Bernardita Leonido Catalla (second left); and the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong (second right).

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (third left), visited a construction site of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link West Kowloon Terminus this afternoon. Accompanied by the Acting Deputy Commissioner for Labour (Occupational Safety and Health), Mr Wu Wai-hung (second right), and the Project Manager - Technical Support, Mr Mark Lomas (third right), of the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRC), Mr Cheung received a briefing from the MTRC's Head of Project Safety, Mr Steve Howarth (first right), on the various occupational safety and health (OSH) measures being implemented on-site.

Mr Cheung (third right) tours the construction site to inspect the OSH measures for high-risk work processes such as work at height and lifting operations.

Mr Cheung (second left) inspects the multi-language safety signage in the construction site.

Mr Cheung (second right) is briefed by the contractor on the OSH measures implemented in the site's excavation and blasting work.

Mr Cheung (first left) views the various OSH measures implemented in the site.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (second left), visited a private home for persons with disabilities in Kwai Chung. Photo shows Mr Cheung, accompanied by the home's staff, chatting with a resident to understand her daily life.

Mr Cheung (first right) talks to workers of the home to hear about the training in care skills they received.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (second right), visited the Christian Family Service Centre Shing Shun Small Group Home in Tseung Kwan O this morning. Picture shows Mr Cheung observing the living environment and chatting with a child resident in the home. On his side are the Centre's Senior Programme Director, Ms Ivy Leung (first left), and Service Manager, Ms Teresa Lam (second left).

Mr Cheung (front row, first right) shares some snacks with children residing in the home. Also present is the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Stephen Sui (back row, first left).

Mr Cheung (second right) plays a game with residents of the home and a house parent (third left). He thanked the house parent and her family for their commitment in providing a home-like environment for the healthy growth of children in need.

Mr Cheung (second right, front row) is pictured with residents and staff of the Home, as well as the house parents and their family.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (right), visited a privately run elderly home in Sham Shui Po this morning. He distributed cleaning and disinfection packs to the elderly residents and reminded them of the importance of personal and environmental hygiene.

Mr Cheung (right) shows an elderly resident how to use the disinfection gel in the pack.

Mr Cheung (centre) expresses his warm regards to residents of the elderly home.

Mr Cheung (third left) meets with staff of the elderly home to understand their daily operations and the challenges they face.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the Central Foster Care Unit of the Social Welfare Department at Southorn Centre in Wan Chai this afternoon. During the visit, Mr Cheung (right) met with a pair of foster parents to hear them share their experience of joy and tears in foster care service. Mr Cheung also thanked them profusely for their selfless commitment.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (first left), visited the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy (WITS) Division of the Labour Department at Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre this afternoon. Picture shows Mr Cheung being briefed on the public enquiry service.

Mr Cheung (fourth right) tours different office units of the Division to understand the procedures of handling WITS applications.

Mr Cheung (right) reads in detail the appreciation letters from members of the public to the Division and encourages colleagues to keep up their good work.

During a visit to the Kwun Tong Social Security Field Unit of the Social Welfare Department today (July 29), Mr Cheung (third left) receives briefing by the District Social Welfare Officer (Kwun Tong), Ms Ip Siu-ming (third right), and district staff on the profile of social security recipients in the district.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited the headquarters of the Senior Citizen Home Safety Association to familiarise himself with the Association's support and care services for the elderly. Picture shows Mr Cheung touring a telephone booth facility which aims to foster inter-generational harmony by encouraging youngsters to care more about the elderly by calling them on the telephone.

Mr Cheung (fourth left) chats with elderly participants of a photography class and shares with them the concept of active ageing.

Mr Cheung (second left) and the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Stephen Sui (first left), visit the Association's 24-hour Call and Care Centre where they are briefed by the Chief Executive Officer of the Association, Ms Irene Leung (fourth left), on the Centre's round-the-clock emergency support and care services for elderly users.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre), visited the Home Care for Girls in Tsing Yi and was briefed by its founder and Executive Director, Sister Agnes Ho (second left), and Chairperson, Mrs Minnie Li (second right), on the residential care services it provides for children in need.

Mr Cheung chats with a social worker and girls who reside at the Home Care for Girls to better understand their daily life.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (second left), visited the Working Family Allowance Office. He exchanged views with staff of the Office and listened to their briefing on the preparation progress of the Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme. Mr Cheung thanked the staff for their dedication and encouraged them to keep up their good work so that the Scheme could be launched as soon as possible. Accompanying Mr Cheung was the Head of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency, Mr Esmond Lee (first left).

Mr Cheung (second row, fourth left) is pictured with staff of the Working Family Allowance Office who are responsible for the development and installation of the Office's information technology infrastructure.

Mr Cheung (third right, front row) is pictured with Mr Esmond Lee (fourth right, front row); the Senior Principal Executive Officer (Special Assignment) of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, Ms Winnie Lau (fifth right, front row); the Principal Executive Officer (Working Family Allowance Office), Ms Teresa Cheung (sixth right, front row) and staff of the Office who are responsible for administrative work and setting out the operational details of the Low-income Working Family Allowance Scheme. Second right, front row is the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Stephen Sui.

Mr Cheung (first left) chats with residents of the Tuen Mun Children and Juvenile Home to learn about their daily life.

Mr Cheung (second left) is accompanied by the Assistant Director of Social Welfare (Youth and Corrections), Mr Peter Ng (first left), while receiving a briefing on the activities provided to residents of the Home.

Mr Cheung (third left) exchanges views with the Superintendent of the Tuen Mun Children and Juvenile Home, Mr Cheung Tat-ming (fourth right), and other staff of the Home on its services.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (third left), officiated at the Community Healthcare Day cum Jockey Club Home Health Watch Programme Graduation Ceremony organised by The Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK). Mr Cheung is pictured with the President of OUHK, Professor Wong Yuk-shan (second right); the Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Mr Anthony Chow (third right); the Vice Chairman of the Elderly Commission, Dr Lam Ching-choi (first left); the Volunteer Training & Development Manager of Agency for Volunteer Service, Mr Lau Ting-chung (first right); and the Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Services), Mr Lam Ka Tai.

Mr Cheung (fifth right, front row) is pictured with Professor Wong (fourth right, front row), the Head of OUHK's Division of Nursing and Health Studies, Professor Joseph Lee (third right, front row), volunteers trained by OUHK and other participating guests.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre), visited Lau Shun Man Fu Cheong Mutual Help Child Care Centre cum Women Services Centre (Fu Cheong Centre) in Fu Cheong Estate and Wai Yin Association Women Integrated Service Centre and Mutual Help Child Care Centre in Hoi Lai Estate, both operated by Kowloon Women's Organisations Federation (the Federation) in Sham Shui Po this afternoon (July 10).
Photo shows Mr Cheung accompanied by the President of the Federation, Ms Zheng Zhen (second right, back row), its Chairman, Ms Ann So (fourth right, back row), and a number of District Council members when he visited the Fu Cheong Centre. Picture shows Mr Cheung listening to an introduction on the centre's child care services by the Chief Executive of the Federation, Ms Alice Wong (first left).

Picture shows Mr Cheung (centre) chatting with child care service users of the Fu Cheong Centre to better understand their needs.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, speaks at the International Symposium on Active Ageing organised by the Institute of Active Ageing of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). He emphasised that society should embrace the challenges of an ageing community in a positive and proactive fashion.

Mr Cheung (front row, sixth right) is pictured with the President of PolyU, Professor Timothy Tong (front row, fifth right), the Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Institute of Active Ageing, PolyU, Dr Leong Che-hung (front row, sixth left), the Director of the Institute of Active Ageing, PolyU, Mrs Teresa Tsien (front row, third right) and other participating guests at the event.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (third right), attends the launch ceremony of a cruise tour for children. Mr Cheung is pictured with the Chairman of Wofoo Social Enterprises, Dr Joseph Lee (third left); the Group General Manager of Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Company Limited, Dr David Ho (second right); the Convenor of the Non-official Members of the Executive Council, Mr Lam Woon-kwong (centre); the Director of Social Welfare, Ms Carol Yip (second left); and other guests.

Participants are pictured with officiating guests on the cruise ship Bauhinia.

During his speech at the launch ceremony of the Po Leung Kuk District Elderly Visit Programme, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, stressed that the Government attaches great importance to the well-being of the elderly and will continue to upgrade their quality of life by promoting the spirit of active ageing.

Mr Cheung (ninth right, middle row) and Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors of Po Leung Kuk, Miss Abbie Chan (seventh right, middle row) are pictured with other guests and participants.

Mr Cheung (right) cuts the food up for an elderly person.

Mr Cheung (fourth left) joins other guests to prepare a meal for the elderly in a community canteen.

Mr Cheung (first right) lunches with elderly people in a community canteen.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (fourth left), meets with a delegation of the Department of Social Welfare and Development of the Philippines to exchange views on matters of mutual interest. Mr Cheung is pictured with two Undersecretaries of the Department, Ms Parisya Hashim-Taradji (centre) and Ms Angelita Y. Gregorio-Medel (third left), as well as the Consul-General of the Philippines in Hong Kong, Ms Bernardita Leonido Catalla (fourth right).

Mr Cheung (second right), Ms Hashim-Taradji (third left) and Ms Gregorio-Medel (fourth left) exchange views of mutual interest.

(From right) The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung; the Chairman of the Board of Airport Authority Hong Kong, Mr Jack So; and the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, officiate at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong International Airport Career Expo 2015.

Mr Cheung (first left), Mr So (second left) and Professor Cheung (second right) tour around a simulated baggage handling system at the expo.

Mr Cheung (third right, front row) chats with young employees of Aviation Security Company Limited.

Mr Cheung (fourth left), Mr So (fourth right) and Professor Cheung (third right) are pictured at a booth hosted by the Hong Kong Police Force.

Speaking at the jobsDB Superhero HR Day, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, stresses that the Government will continue to allocate resources in nurturing home-grown talents to meet the challenges of an ageing population and a shrinking labour force.

Mr Cheung speaks at the jobsDB Superhero HR Day.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, meets the representatives of Hong Kong Volunteers Federation to exchange views on volunteering work. Picture shows Mr Cheung (centre, front row), Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Stephen Sui (centre, back row), together with the Chairman of Hong Kong Volunteers Federation, Mr Tam Kam-kau (second right, front row), Vice-Chairman, Mr Karson Choi (second left, front row), and other representatives.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (centre); the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Stephen Sui (fourth left); and the Political Assistant to the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms Jade Lai (fifth right); join a signature campaign at a street booth set up by the Alliance for Peace and Democracy in Sheung Wan to support the Government's proposals for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage.

Mr Cheung (second right) joins the signature campaign to support the Government's proposals for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage.

During his speech at the Kick-off cum Certificate Presentation Ceremony for Child Development Fund (CDF) projects, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, said that the CDF had assisted underprivileged children by providing them with guidance, widening their horizons and exposure, and encouraging them to plan for their future.

Mr Cheung (sixth left, front row), the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare and Chairman of the Steering Committee on CDF, Miss Annie Tam (sixth right, front row), members of the Steering Committee on CDF and representatives of operating non-governmental organisations of the fifth-batch CDF projects officiate at the kick-off ceremony for the fifth-batch projects.

Mr Cheung (third left) is pictured with three pairs of mentors and mentees of CDF projects who shared their experience at the ceremony.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (first right); the Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Stephen Sui (first left); and the Political Assistant to the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Ms Jade Lai; distributed leaflets to members of the public in Tai Wai to appeal for their support for the Government's proposals on the method for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage.

Mr Cheung (second right), Mr Sui (second left) and Ms Lai (first right) distribute leaflets to the public.

Mr Cheung (right) distributes leaflets to the public.

Mr Cheung (centre) distributes leaflets to the public.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (first right), attends a reception to celebrate Labour Day and World Day for Safety and Health at Work and presentation ceremony of the 7th Outstanding Employees in Occupational Safety and Health Award Scheme organised by the Occupational Safety and Health Council, the Labour Department, Legislative Council Members of the labour constituency and Employee Representatives of the Labour Advisory Board. During his speech, Mr Cheung appealed to all employers and employees to work together for a safe and healthy working environment, and maintain harmonious relations for the betterment of Hong Kong's economy and society at large.

Mr Cheung (centre, front row) is pictured with the Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Council, Mr Conrad Wong (sixth right, front row) and other participating guests at the event.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (fifth right, front row), attends the prize presentation ceremony of beHERO Run 2015 organised by Centum Charitas Foundation and cheers for the participating teams.

Mr Cheung (second right) is pictured with the Chairman of Centum Charitas Foundation, Mr Raymond Lee (centre), and other guests.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (left), meets the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations, Mr Liu Jieyi (right), and briefs him on labour and social welfare developments in Hong Kong, as well as on Hong Kong's connections with relevant international organisations.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, speaks at an award presentation ceremony for outstanding employees in the elderly care sector organised by The Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Employment Development Service. During his speech, Mr Cheung pointed out that in view of the strong demand for manpower in elderly care services, the Government would continue to join hands with the industry in nurturing talents for the sector.

Mr Cheung (second left) presents a trophy to an awardee (second right). He saluted all members of the sector for their immense contribution in caring for the elderly.

Speaking at the ground-breaking ceremony of a residential care home for elderly persons of Pok Oi Hospital in Lam Tei, Tuen Mun, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, emphasised that the Government will continue to implement the Special Scheme on Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses with a view to providing around 17 000 additional service places for elderly persons and persons with disabilities.

Mr Cheung (fifth right) and other officiating guests are pictured at the ground-breaking ceremony of the residential care home for elderly persons in Lam Tei, Tuen Mun.

Mr Cheung (second left) distributes souvenir packs to participating elderly persons, and wishes them a happy Chinese New Year.

Mr Cheung (right) gives a souvenir scarf to a participating elderly person.

Mr Cheung (centre) distributes souvenir scarves to participating elderly persons.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (third left), officiates at the plaque unveiling ceremony of Jockey Club Amity Place in Tai Po. Other officiating guests include Club Steward of Hong Kong Jockey Club, Dr Eric Li (fourth right), the Honorary Secretary of the Executive Committee of Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (MHA), Dr Flora Ko (fourth left), Director of MHA, Ms Kimmy Ho (first right), District Officer (Tai Po), Mr Bassanio So (third right), Assistant Director (Rehabilitation and Medical Social Services) of Social Welfare Department, Mr Fong Kai-leung (second right), etc.

Mr Cheung (fifth left) is pictured with other officiating guests.

Mr Cheung (first left) tours the Jockey Club Amity Place to better understand its services for improving mental health.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, speaks at the opening ceremony of Tung Chung Job Centre of the Labour Department.

Mr Cheung (centre); the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss Annie Tam (second left); the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong (first left); the Chairman of the Islands District Council, Mr Chow Yuk-tong (second right); and the Vice Chairman of the Islands District Council, Ms Chow Chuen-heung (first right) perform the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Tung Chung Job Centre.

The guests perform the roasted pig carving ceremony for the official opening of the job cent.

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, addresses the recognition ceremony for Mental Health Month 2014/15.

Mr Cheung (third left); the Chairman of Rehabilitation Advisory Committee Sub-committee on Public Education on Rehabilitation, Dr Raymond Leung (second left); the Chairman of the Elderly Commission, Professor Alfred Chan (third right); the Commissioner for Rehabilitation, Ms Joyce Tam (second right); representative of the TV drama series "Come Home Love" - the supporting partner of Mental Health Month, Mr Lau Dan (first right); and the Chairperson of the Organising Committee of Mental Health Month, Ms Sania Yau (first left); officiate at the ceremony.

Mr Cheung (front row, centre) participates in a physical fitness exercise session.

Hong Kong and Austria signed a Declaration of Intent to mark the establishment of a bilateral Working Holiday Scheme. Photo shows the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (right), and the Consul General of Austria to Hong Kong and Macao, Dr Claudia Reinprecht (left), at the signing ceremony.

Photo shows Mr Cheung (third right) with Dr Reinprecht (third left) after the signing ceremony. Also attending the ceremony are the Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss Annie Tam (second right); the Commissioner for Labour, Mr Donald Tong (first right); the Deputy Consul General of Austria to Hong Kong and Macao, Mr Roland Rudorfer (second left); and the Austrian Trade Commissioner for Hong Kong, Macao and South China, Mr Christian Schierer (first left).

The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung (front row, second left), attends the opening ceremony of a caring campaign for the underprivileged organised by Hong Kong Travel Agent Owners Association. Mr Cheung is pictured with participating elderly persons and guests.

Mr Cheung (back row, sixth right) is pictured with the President of Hong Kong Travel Agent Owners Association, Mr Freddy Yip (back row, sixth left), the former Vice-chairperson of the Societal Engagement Task Force under the Commission on Poverty, Miss Leonie Ki (back row, fourth left), and other participating guests.